Fort Clarke Survival

Studying at Fort Clarke by: Ryan 

One of the most important things to do at Fort Clarke is study for your tests. Studying for your test is probably the most important thing to do at any middle school. There are many types of tests in sixth grade such as: multiple choice, essay, written response, etc. They are all challenging and need to be studied for. In Advanced World Cultures you re given seven essay questions. In Advanced Earth/Space Science you are given twenty-five multiple choice questions and five written response questions. These take vigorous hours of studying and then some if you don't study thoroughly.

In R.E.A.C.H., you have teasts that aren't as hard as advabced, but still need some studying.  In Language Arts you have to do GOTCHA'S every day and then you have a vocabulary test at the end of the week.  You have to spell five words, know the definition of each word in a sentence.  This can sometimes be difficult when words are used like sesquipedalian, lackadaisical, etc. In Reading and Research, you read a historical fiction every four to five weeks. Then you have a reading comprehension quiz on that book very two weeks. The weeks in between the reading comprehension quizzes you have a vocabulary quiz on fourteen words you don't know in the book you are reading at home. You get a seventy percent if you complete the worksheets and don't get any of the three words he quizzes you on correct. You get a hundred percent if you do the worksheets and get all three of the words you are quizzed on right. Studying for your tests are a very important part of middle school.